1. The first step is to open EduClimber and type in the District ID (1568). Then click continue. https://app.educlimber.com/welcome/login.php |
2. Click Sign In with Google.
3. Click Okay.
4. Click Interventions.
5. Click New.
6. Click Add.
7. Select the school year from the drop down list. Click 2022-2023. |
8. Select the school site from the drop down list. Click the School Site. |
9. Click the student's name to add them to the intervention group. Repeat this step to add other students, if necessary. |
10. Click the x to remove a student from the group. |
11. Click Add
12. Click Update
13. Select the interventionist from the drop down list. Click the interventionist. |
14. Select the tier level for the intervention. Click Tier 2. |
15. Click Math or applicable skill area
16. Click the strategy that will be used.
17. With your mouse, select text in the name box. The name will be autosuggested and filled in. Feel free to change this name to meet your needs (ie. 2nd grade Phonics Mr. Green). |
18. Click Add.
19. Click Add.
20. Set the Intervention Schedule: Select the start date of the intervention. |
21. Select the end date of the intervention.
22. Click Weekly Schedule Select the schedule type from the drop down menu. |
23. Select the days of the week that the intervention will occur.
24. Select the start time of the intervention. Note: This can be an approximation. |
25. Select the end time of the intervention. Note: This can be an approximation. |
26. Click Add.
27. Set the Progress Monitoring Schedule: Click Add.
28. Select the Monitoring User.
29. Select the monitoring type. Note: If the monitoring type you're using is not listed in the drop down box, use the monitoring type call "Manually-Entered School-Selected [Reading/Math] Tool". |
30. Set the start and end date for the progress monitoring schedule.Â
31. Set the start and end time for the progress monitoring schedule. Note: This can be an approximation. |
32. Enter a number for every number of weeks the monitoring will occur, must be greater than 0. Enter the number of weeks. |
33. Click the day(s) of the week that the monitoring will occur.Â
34. Doubleclick into the goal field to enter a goal. Repeat for each student in the group as necessary. Note: If using FastBridge for progress monitoring, leave the goal field BLANK in EduClimber to bring over that field from FastBridge. |
35. Doubleclick the grade field. To add or edit the grade, double click into the box to select the applicable grade level. Repeat for each student in the group as necessary. |
36. Scroll up and click New Measure if more than one measure needs to be added to the group. |
37. Repeat steps 30 - 36 to add another measure. |
38. Click Add when all measures and details have been added.
39. Set the Review Schedule: Click Add. Note: The "Review Schedule" section is how often you would like EduClimber to email you progress reports for the students in this intervention group. |
40. Select your frequency and days of the week that you would like EduClimber to email you progress reports for students in this intervention group.Â
41. Click Add. |
42. Click Save.
43. That's it. You're done.