1. Quick Eval offers instructors a single location to view all learner submissions that are awaiting evaluation. It's an effort to save you time and make grading easier across classes. The first step is to open your course and click Management. |
2. Click Quick Eval |
3. This takes you to the Quick Eval page for the course you are in currently. You can stay in this view or change it to show all of your assessments in all of your classes. From the right, click on the three dots. |
4. Click Multi-Course Quick Eval This will show you all of your classes and students. |
5. Submissions tab allows instructor to see all students and all their Assignment, Quiz and Discussion submission(s) across ALL classes. |
6. From the View by options, click Submissions tab. |
7. Quiz submissions are listed when a learner completes a quiz that requires manual grading and is signified by a question mark icon.
8. Click Student Name and the evaluator will be taken to the Quiz Evaluation Screen for that user.
9. Type in the grade for the quiz or grade the individual quiz questions. If a quiz is setup without the Automatic Export to Grades setting, then the instructor must go to the Quizzes tool and select the quiz attempts to publish to the grade book. |
10. Once the quiz attempt is graded and saved, it is considered evaluated and no longer displays in Quick Eval. Click Back to Quick Eval to return to the list. |
11. Assignment submissions are listed when a learner submits a file or text, or marks an assignment as complete and show a paper inbox icon. They remain visible until evaluator publishes the feedback.
12. If a resubmission is made by the learner, it is added to the Quick Eval list. Submissions with their feedback in draft status display a draft icon to indicate their status . Click Student Name and the evaluator is taken to the Evaluate Submission page |
13. Here you will grade the individual assignment as you normally would and click Publish. Click Back to Quick Eval to return to the list. |
14. Discussion submissions are listed when assessable discussion topics have a post or a reply written by a learner and show a chat bubble icon. Click Student Name and the evaluator is taken to the Discussion Evaluation screen. |
15. When the feedback on a discussion post is saved or published, the learner submission is no longer displayed in Quick Eval. Feedback in draft status display a draft icon to indicate their status. Click Back to Quick Eval to return to the list. |
16. On Submissions tab you can filter by Activity Name or Date Click on Filters |
17. Click Activity Name
18. Click on the appropriate Activity Name on which to Filter |
19. You can also filter by Assessment Date. Under Filter, click Date. |
20. Click Date that you which to search by. |
21. That's it. You're done.